Fotograf Thomas Berlin ★32

Europa / Deutschland /Frankfurt am Main

Nude / Stimmungen

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Interview mit Hannes Caspar 21.09.2020 18:37

Interview mit Hannes Caspar

"In der Natürlichkeit finde ich die Schönheit und den Charakter" - Der Fotograf Hannes Caspar im Gespräch mit Thomas Berlin

Mit dem in Berlin lebenden Portrait- und Aktfotografen Hannes Caspar sprach ich über sein Business, was ihm Fotografie bedeutet und den Reiz des Analogen. Direkt zum Interview:

Info / Kontakt

Thomas Berlin
The human representation is my photographic focus. This can affect people in everyday situations as well as portraits and nudes. The portrayal of nudity has delighted humanity for millennia and is also a source of joy for me.

Even if a picture itself does not tell a story, it can be the starting point of a story. I hope you find in my galleries at least one picture that can be the starting point of your own story.

In general I give priority to the physical presence of a signed print over a digital image.
